Monthly Archives: March 2011

Astral Hell

There is so much grim news. Hey, I feel like I am in Astral Hell even. Like how did things get so bad anyway. Did I make a wrong turn some where down a one way avenue. It all feels

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Radiation increasing

Perhaps we already know that radiation is increasing. This is the gift of science. A world that is full of radiation pollution and crime. It is like a horror movie. Radiation is leaking now. This is taking place in the

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Pyramids of Death Valley

Here is a report of a paranormal event that is very eerie. It should really scare you. OK so one person saw – Pyramids of Death Valley even. Perhaps he was tired and not thinking clear, but still this is

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japan crisis

Netizens, the japan crisis is on going. The nuclear reactors still have radiation they spew. It is so very sad really, and what can we say. Hope it is over soon.

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japan in emergency

There is now in japan an emergency. Due to the earth quake a nuclear reactor refuses to cool down and there is fear of an over heating core. Authorities say pressure is rising. They have been forced to release radioactive

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Astral travel is an interesting subject for me. Here is another paranormal blog for you. It contains a lot of information we use.

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Stocks fall

Stocks fall on surging oil prices. Also, gold is going up. Get ready for more inflation coming soon. Oil is an integral part of our economy.

Posted in prediction

New record food prices

Folks, this is no hoax for you. Food price have hit a new record and may push higher even. This is not good news. In fact, I feel we face a terrible crisis. People need to become more aware. Sadly,

Posted in prediction